Version-Controlled Protocol Library

Keep track of all your processes and SOPs with the Labstep Electronic Laboratory Notebook’s Version-Controlled Protocol Library. Execute protocols step-by-step to minimize errors, and use your protocols as templates and forms for data collection to deliver consistency and structure across your organization.

Standardize R&D Processes

Structure your lab data at point-of-capture to improve experiment consistency and minimize errors.

Access protocols at the lab bench and beyond using mobile or tablet.

Use interactive steps to track who did what and when, providing a comprehensive audit trail.

Automate Inventory Management

Integrate seamlessly with the Labstep Inventory Module via Inventory fields.

Access relevant inventory details as you execute protocols.

Automatically update stock as it is consumed or created.

Improve Data Quality with Real-Time Data Collection & Analysis

Enforce data collection with required data fields.

Embed spreadsheets templates for real-time calculations and graphing at the bench.

Embed executable Jupyter Notebooks for more complex data analysis and automation.

Stay Organized

Track all previous versions of protocols.

Keep your protocols organized with Tags and Collections.

The R&D Cloud Platform Your Whole Team Will Love

We are dedicated to streamlining workflows, improving collaboration, and securing data transfer across your organisation. Let us show you how easy it is plan, execute, and accelerate R&D with a demo or 7-day free trial!